Thursday, 11 February 2010

Mood board

I have created a mood board using current music magazines such as rythum a drum magazine and NME music magazine.
All the pictures I have used relate to my chosen genre of british rock, as well as famous people and members of british rock bands I have stuck down pictures of intrusments technology and fashion all assosiated with my chosen genre.

Monday, 8 February 2010

school newletter contents mock up

School newsletter mock up

The Deyes High school newletter - although very plain and basic - was well suited to its purpouse and target audience. I have however created my own version of the newsletter changing some of the features but keeping with the schools house style informative newsletter.

By changing some features of the newsletter I keep the plain informative house style whilst making the front cover more colourful. By simply adding colour and a more attractive design i make the newsletter more apealing and also open it to a younger target audiance. The use of picture and caption shows the reader some of the magazines content and giving them an insight into the newsletter and its purpose.